Chris Millsap
President and CEO

Chris is part of a large farming family and was born and raised in Creemore. He started Yard Boys at the age of 13. Since that time Yard Boys has grown to be one of the largest property maintenance companies in the Southern Georgian Bay Area.

Chris enjoys the many challenges of running a business and takes enormous pride in Yard Boys’ many long-term customer relationships and the fact that customers consider Yard Boys very responsive and easy to deal with.

Despite the many hours he puts in running the business you can still find Chris from time to time out of the office cutting grass or plowing snow.

Glenda Brown
Office Manager

Glenda is the pre-eminent multi-tasker. She handles financial matters, schedules service calls, manages human resources and just about anything else that has to be done to keep things running smoothly. Glenda has lived in the Southern Georgian Bay area most of her life and currently resides in Duntroon.

When a customer calls Yard Boys chances are it is Glenda who takes the call. She says the thing she enjoys most about being at Yard Boys is helping customers, many of whom have been with Yard Boys for years

Contact Glenda:

Office 705 428 0408

Kevin Quanbury
Sales Manager

Contact Kevin:

Office 705-428-4608 ext 1

Join Our Team

We’re looking for people to join the team who are as excited as we are about a lush green lawns and brilliant exterior lighting.

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